Fiberglass entry doors typically consist of three main components: a fiberglass skin, an insulated foam core, and a frame. Unlike conventional wooden doors, fiberglass entry doors offer an appealing, durable, and stylish appearance. Despite being made of glass-fiber reinforced polymers, fiberglass entry doors can mimic wood grains and decorative elements. Professionally applied paints and stains create a unique look for your home.
You’ll be delighted with the low maintenance required for fiberglass entry doors. Because they don’t warp, crack, or delaminate, fiberglass doors also have an impressive warranty. And while they’re easy to clean and maintain, they also help you save money on energy bills. The insulating power of fiberglass doors means that your home won’t be subjected to drafts and cold air.BGV’s fiberglass doors make great statement pieces for every home. And don’t forget that they are relatively inexpensive!